Wednesday, February 7, 2007


I have now begun writing my first blog. I have browsed through other people's blogs over the internet and have found that men tend to write more on technology and women tend to write more on self-growth. Not surprising, yet amusing. As a "sensitive" woman, I have a lot of "feelings" stuff going through my head at this time; the kind that would make a man either yawn, grimace, or run for the door. And yes, one day I will write about those emotions that are running haywire in my mind perhaps 50% of the time or write about relationships that have affected me and made me who I am today. But not today....

Today, I choose to write about ORKUT. Need I waste my precious words describing what it is? I guess not for most of you have reached this very page as a result of your inquisitiveness on orkut! The reason I speak about Orkut in my first blog as opposed to the love of my life or my career or my favorite gadget in this whole wide world is because I am addicted to it (like most of you are). A certain significant person tells me that I "like to pry" into others' lives while some have labeled me "Orkut Queen", perhaps rightly so. In my defense I would like to this article.. The gist of the article is that curiosity does not always kill the cat. Come on, let's admit it. How many of us have actually visited others' profiles and realized that we have common friends that we need to send a friend request to?

So am I marketing Orkut here? No, not really. But yes, since it is an addiction that takes up a lot of my time in a day, I am putting forward a cautionary note to those who are not yet at that stage. Like Nicotine and Alcohol, this will consume you, gradually. Its a pity that there is no "Orkut Anonymous" therapy group for I would like to surely attend one of those in order to be cured of this mind-gripping disease.

As of now, I am a psychologist in the making in the process of self-realization that I may somewhat become stagnant (or maybe doomed) if I choose to keep the focus of my life as Orkut. I am hoping that this blogger service provides me relief..maybe in the form of catharsis, sublimation, or plain avoidance!

Thanks for reading my first blog..and I promise you....there are more to come!

8 Words of Wisdom:

Sulz said...

Blogging does provide some relief .. esp. to ppl like you whose creative writing side just need to be unleashed !! hehhehe .. no seriously. all the best. hope u get the satisfaction you came here for .. and hope that no guys run for the door !

Unknown said...

Nice way to deaddict orkut.

Anonymous said...

I started off with blogger 2 years back..only to wan myself off it and joined orkut 18 months back..and now disilluisoned by both:P
Guess addiction doesnt last forever;)
But, blogging is great..makes u express words more openly than u would otherwise..:)

Anonymous said...

wherz the other blogsn that u promised would follow?
speakin for myself..yup..orkut has b'com an addiction n i do pry into others profiles..Harmless of crse!
by pryin into how i read ur blog.
i lov bloggin too..but i get lazzy to write at times...wish i had sum1 who i cld narrate my thots to..therz so much to write u know!

Anonymous said...

i agree with about bloggin habits and orkutosity....

but wud like to make a point here...there is a thick..not thin line between passively orkuting and Public Display of Affection ..err...PHOTOS....

m sure u wud have come across many orkutians who regularly update their photos and regular life details from if they are sleepin with their bf / gfs tonite or if they are scrapping from toilet on a wireless laptop or college lab ;)

POOR SOULS...little do they know...specially girls that their BUFF of updating new photos land them on other online semi porn desi forums where millions of psycopaths quench their physical lust electronically...their photos are cirulated all around on those boards / forums along with vulgar comments on their detailed daily shcedule which they have so keenly shared on orkut!!

OH BOY!! good luck to them who consider orkut is just an addiction with harmless fun....its actually a harmless addiction with harmful pun!!

badshah khan said...

well this my first comment ..not a whole lotta blogger....was nice reading ur first blog as well...well might be true for u as far as the orkut thing is ...i am also orkut addicted not sure addcited the rite kind of word.... but i personally feel its just a sort of outlet u need to get ur emtions out a little bit of gossip like the blogger ..but i guess i spend more time on these things when IAM idle which Iam ...other wise i feeel u dont really get addicted to it ...bottam line empty mind devils workshop .....

BIG Omi said...

As i comment on your first blog i hope you are totally out of hangover of orkutopium. Anyways nice blog to start with , reminds me of my college days when orkut use to be only connecting link to long met friends and updates in college. Anyways am now outta it..

Also you have fallen true on your promise.. There are really many things you have come up with ..

Big Omi

Pavi!!!! said...

n now ur OVER ur addiction with blogs n orkut....such is life...nothing is constant!