Friday, October 17, 2008

Sweetest Day

October 18th is SWEETEST DAY. I have no idea where and how it originated. I also am positive that many people even in the United States have never heard of it. I, on the other hand, have gone to the extent of celebrating it, and even expecting presents on that day. My enthusiasm had always been short-lived when the others did not really appreciate my sentiments about a Hallmark created birthday. I grew to come to terms with it..only until the next Sweetest Day arrived. It has, once again.

Diamond rings, flowers, cookie bouquets, and personalized candygrams are currently being advertised on air for those cheesy romantics like me. I have no money to buy those for myself nor know anyone who would be invested in buying those for me. Frankly, the excitement of receiving those presents would also wear off in a couple days. So on the occasion of Sweetest Day this year, I would like to acknowledge some sweetness that pervaded my life last week.

Last Wednesday, something dreadful happened. Something that I knew was going to happen and yet I was not really that well-prepared for it. No one knew about the pre-planned horrible event save a couple very, very close friends. And as I was driving back from the event at 8 am almost in tears, M, my best friend, who I had not spoken to in 2 weeks, texted me out of the blue asking me how I was. Later that day, another friend, P, took it upon herself to send me a good morning email every single day to brighten my mornings. She has been doing such a good job of it that I actually trot to work happily only to see what she has written for me each day.

Around 3 pm that day, N, asked me to cheer myself up by hanging out with friends. I was reluctant. He pushed. I listened. I hung out with friends, had a great time, and thanked God for the push that he gave me. I thanked him too but he thought nothing of it. As I walked out of work at 5 pm, S, a dear friend of mine, who had last called me to share the news of his engagement two months ago, called me "just to catch up". And last but not the least, I got a very dirty email from someone that very same day but somehow I did not chance upon it until Friday, out of sheer luck.

Last Wednesday was ironically one of the SWEETEST DAYS I have had in a long time. It was full of reaffirmations, signals, and signs that someone up there loves me and cares for me, and is there to protect me, sending across guardian angels when I needed them the most. Friends with who I have built great connections but who have been busy in their daily lives called me as if it was a telepathic connection. Life has not been the same since last Wednesday. I did not expect it to. But neither did I expect to find so much love and warmth around me.

Thank you sweet friends for being there. I now no longer need to wait for a Hallmark created cheesy day to recognize the sweetness around me. I need no diamond rings, for you are my gems.

What's your Sweetest Day story? Are you going to spread some sweetness today and make someone recognize who their guardian angel is?

90 Words of Wisdom:

lukkydivz said...

romantic? thats the last thing i would hav supposed u to be :P u always make me feel like u hate men!

wishing many more wednesdays (of course the happy ones) for u di!

takecare :)

Gauri said...

Through life and the ups and downs that I've seen so far - the one thing that I strongly believe in is the fact that adversity does indeed teach you who your real friends are.

And I do hope you are feeling better Solitaire - after whatever it was that got you feeling "down".



Keshi said...

Sorry I never told you
All I wanted to say
And now it's too late to hold you
'Cause you've flown away
So far away

Never had I imagined
Living without your smile
Feeling and knowing you hear me
It keeps me alive

And I know you're shining down on me from heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One SWEET day
.. .. ..

This post reminded me of that song by Mariah Carey.

So like u said, we should not WAIT for Mums day or Friendship day or Birthdays to show that we CARE abt someone...spread that SWEETNESS TODAY!

Lovely post. I will come bak later on to tell u my Sweetest Day story. In the meantime, Im glad u had so many guardian angels to save ya that day! TC keep smiling, hv faith and be well. *HUGZ*


Mana said...

I, once, said "thank you for all u did when i needed u". She replied-"Does thanking mean end of it? What r friends for!"

"Thank you sweet friends for being there."--I put forth the same question to you :)

Wishing your everyday turns out to be sweet day :)

Sparkling said...

FRIENDS. Having good friends is all you need to make one feel life is worthwhile. I don't know who said but someone did say, 'The way you've lived your life is known by the friends you have around you' - I may not make it sound correct and I just hope you know what I mean. FRIENDS are our guardian angels :) I'm glad you have few of them.

Take care dear.

Solitaire said...

@ Lukky,

Its all about perception.
Just because I am annoyed by what certain men have done or are doing does not mean that I HATE MEN.

Thanks a lot.

Solitaire said...

@ Gauri,

I am feeling much better because I am counting my blessings now and in this time of adversity I have realized who are my true gems, as I already have every single time.

Thanks a ton!!! Hugs back!

Solitaire said...

@ Keshi,

Thank you!!

I am much better now. And yes, you are right. We should not wait for special days. In fact, when we do, it all seems so cliched, right?

Anonymous said...

yeah the sweetest story of the day is the happyness a man brings for the entire country of 1.2 bilion people back home (Ind)....

seein him play on the field is like unparalleled and unbelievable joy!!!

i m talkin abt Sachin Tendulkar -- the GOD of crickeet!!

gP said...

the sweetest day! Oh cool, now i know why ive been eating chocolate after months.
My sweetest days r when i cal home 2talk 2mom n grandma...which makes everyday a sweet day for d past 3 week. N of course airtel iz having sweetest days since then too...hehehe
Meeting all my friends in india is great, n making new friends r excellent. Meeting hari, vanathi, ramya, cindy, n today veens made me happy. Cant wait 2meet nayan, manisha, jeevan, kavi n gautami n vini...they will complete my life in india. Probably the sweetest of the sweetest days is if i meet u...time will tell. I think the sweetest end wud b dying having lived a content life.
Life is made of all the lives u touch on ur way forward, on ur journey to the end. Mayb ther are lots of sweet days n moments of it even during the worst moments. Mayb we might never know thats was the day, mayb we never realize those were the true sweet ppl. Bt living life not regreting our journey r the sweetest of times.
Thx 4a nice warm post in the coldness of ooty. Hope pbable hav more of this posts. Il eat sum chocs 4u hehehe. Hugs.

nik said...

awww .. just when i was getting the artillery ready for an onslaught in the previous blog post, you move on and post a senti post.

anyways .. happy sweetest day!

Unknown said...

hmmm.... the best steel has to go thru the toughest of fires..

so... keep the faith... in urself.. and in ur guardian angles...

B said...

hello there! :)

B said...

have a sweet day! :P

AmitL said...

Heyy..thanks for reminding me of Sweetest Day,Sol..though,there's just 2 hrs left.haha!

So,let me think- I was Sweet(Read: Pleasant) to:
The restaurant guy opposite,when I went for my Friday morn dose of Idli..slurp!!

The newsvendor(though he didn't have the mag I wanted)

Myself!For the better part of the day.(And,that's also a necessity,na)

With a blogger whose more a friend,than just a blogger.:)

Have a great day,pal!

Joy deep Majumder said...

These are exactly the kind of topics that i black out on, i am experiencing the same confused blankness which i used to get during my trignometry their anything to laugh at all ?lol anyways..

Let yr guardian angels always cushion you..comfort around you..i propose and wish that you also had a round topied...khoorpied..gorkha guardian that when rest of the guardians sleep..he would be around...still..jagtey raho....jagte raho...kyoki solt.. is sleeping...

Pavi!!!! said...

well..touchwood! glad u have great friends..who show up n say/do the right things at the right time.
But u know wats more of a blessing Sneha..that ur able to recognise n make not of li'l things n brighten up ur day for urself rather than takin 'em for granted.I'm sure all/most of us have some such guardian angel in our lives..but we are so focused on the negative that we fail to take note of them..
Thnx for this post..will hv me looking in the right direction..atleast for a while :)

Shachi said...

hey baku, hope you are doing great:) Be what you are...and always think positive....tough to do under difficult circumstances but with so many people who love u and care for u, you will keep getting that reassurance :) kaik re-union plan karvu joiye aapdi MC batch nu....wud be wonderful to meet everyone after so many years!

Keshi said...

yeah ur right cliched indeedz!

To be honest Im not so big on Vals day, Friendship day etc. For wuts the point in sending cards and giving gifts if u cant be there for ur friends when they need u the most? besides, even in blogs, just by commenting in blogs dun mean FRIENDSHIP...I hate it when ppl assume that or want me to believe that.

There were times I needed my friends the most and at those times I had very few ppl with me...believe it or not, they were not the ppl I THOUGHT wud be with me! So-called mates disappeared when the tough times hit me..they all acted very strange. Thats why I believe even a stranger can be of help to ya when u need it the most...cos sometimes loved-ones back off in bad weather and it shows who really cares abt ya.

Gauri said it the best. That Adversity does indeed teach you who your real friends are! Its a good lesson for me.

In ur case...u had some very GENUINE mates and ur very lucky.

My most recent Sweetest Day experience was not with any was with total STRANGERS. Rem my bday post this the whole train carriage celebrated my bday with me cos of the huge Roses boquet I was carrying om my way home? :) It was one of the most memorable days of my life! Such WARMTH from total strangers...the kind even some loved-ones fail to give.

hv a good weekend Sol! I hv a very busy one comin up - hv to go to the airport to pick my aunt up, whos gonna be here for 2 weeks. tata TC!


Jira said...

Aww...the wednesday story was sweet! I guess all of us need 'sweet' days especially when we are low! When I think about it, I have had many such days and I am grateful for that!

Wish you many more sweet days...:)

Chaioholic said...

Well wish u more of these sweet days. Loved the post....

Lena said...

you know somehow i managed till now to make all my days really sweet... or rather not me but people around me, but then again i believe we get what we deserve :)

Gypsy Couple said...

hey that was actually very nice .. considering that the heading "sweetest day" was misleading. I actually thought it was gonna be some mushy mushy thing ..but as it turns out ..was actually very sweet...

Anonymous said...

Achcha, since you are into psychology..Could you figure out this Diamond facy that females have ? I mean anyway you could explain that to me in simple words..just a request

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Yes, true friends are the sweetest treats we could ever have. They are there when you need them most and they will never fail to lift you up when you are down. True friends are hard to find, so when you find them treat them like diamonds so precious and so few. Thanks for the post. God bless.

Cяystal said...



Omfg.I'm too baffled to :P

Prats said...

Its nicer to remember a day that goes by and all you are left remembering are the lovely friends you have around you. And of course , one doesn't need days to mean what they have to say...
take care

Southpaw unplugged said...

This year hasnt been good with me so far& for someone who lives alone, works alone,dont hv direct interaction with ppl very often, its very hard to figure out something of this sort. But yeah it did happened on my birthday this year when early in the morning i was getting ready to rush to the airport and i got a call from our friend Keshaayyy to wish me for the was a call after many many days, both of us fight a lot so such gaps r pretty normal...:P she really made my day that time...:)She was the first person to wish me this year, followed my niece and the immigration officer at the airport.

Sushant Kumar said...

Interesting reads.

Now that you ask about the sweetest thing, this year it was definetly my kid:). Personally, I believe it is not just one, but all those little things that make life a liveble experience. This one for example:

Mamta said...

My Sweetest day or days has been when I have been around my friends , loved and cared for. I never appreciated it while I was in India, in the sense that I took it for granted. However, staying away from all of them for a year I have come to realise what they mean for me and how special they make me feel.
Every single day that my friends love me, put a caring protective hand on my head and give me warmth is sweet enough to cheer me up.

Rashmi said...

hey... how are u now?

sometimes, some days are just perfect when friends call out of the blue just to check on u and things move smoothly. nothing verey special happens on those days, but u generally feel very happy and loved... last month was one of those days for me...

Rià said...

Aww that was so sweet! And u hav made the sweetest day even more sweeter by talking abt these sweet memories. I hav been blessed to hav wonderful parents who understand me so well, a amazingly loving bf who gives me so much of love that it overwhelms me!! He makes my life really sweet and ofcourse my friends who r there for me whenever i want them.

Stupidosaur said...

//Thank you sweet friends for being there. I now no longer need to wait for a Hallmark created CHEESY day to recognize the SWEETNESS around me.

I thought cheese is sour, isn't it?

Damn, I never have anything appropriate to say in posts which soemone is
1) Seriously emotional
2) Mushy
3) Somewhat pained
4) Lofty and poetical

This post has met 3 criteria at the same time!!!

But why were you crying?

Deepali said...


Glad you had a very sweet 'Sweetest Day' (I didn't know there was such a day).

Kelvy said...

it was a lovely post...and its lucky to have so many friends who supported u and remebered u taht day.....thats the best gift of all...knowing that there r people out there who care for u and rember u and r willing to stick with u in times of peril

Meghna said...

Sneha di.....That's sweet :P

I think every day of my life is sweet....and u knw....even if it isn't...I try to make it sweet coz who knows....if I'll ever even be ter 2morrow :P

Urv said...

Hey sweet Sol.. Hope you are much better now..

Friends can really do wonders.. Haan na..

Rakesh said...

After being matured i never thought about that i should get this that..because i this i came to know that everyone will not get everything and its good also...then only someone can understand ups and downs,happiness and sorrow.etc..its good not to have everything.

Macadamia The Nut said...

Its been long since i've had a 'sweet day' though :D

Vishesh said...

:) my sweetest day? hmm.. will think it over :P

The Happy Human Jellyfish said...

I need no diamond rings, for you are my gems.

Aww. :)

Yeah, friends can sometimes make ALL the difference without even realizing it! :)

aMus said...

that's what friends are pull you out of the doldrums because they really care...

feeling better?

take care...

Satish Bolla said...

phew, that was awesome. my days r pretty bad these days. not even a single shoulder to lean on. at least, someone's enjoying their life

Vinz said...

nice experience...!!

caring family and friends..what more to ask..??


Vinesh said...

i heard of that day too, but it sounded very corny! :-P

But again, with the kind of enthusiasm you exhibit - any day can be celebrated! :)

WritingsForLife said...

aww.. that is cute :-)
I was too busy that day to remember :-)

Solitaire said...

@ Raaji,


Busy with what??

Solitaire said...

@ Vinesh,

I like corny!!

Solitaire said...

@ Vinz,


Solitaire said...

@ Satish,

I would not really say "ENJOYING". I would rather say that I am thankful I can count my blessings. You too will do that soon. Don't worry.

Solitaire said...

@ Satish,

OH BTW..the 50th comment was addressed to you!

Solitaire said...

@ Suma,

Much better! Thanks!!

Solitaire said...

@ Divine,




Solitaire said...

@ Vishesh,

Still thinking?

Solitaire said...

@ Macadamia,

Hugs back!!

Everyone has their own sweetest day. You will too!!

Solitaire said...

@ Rakesh,


I really don't understand your comment in reference to my post.

Solitaire said...

@ Urv,

Thank you understanding Urv!

Solitaire said...

@ Meghna,

WAAH!! Way to go girl!

Solitaire said...

@ Enigma,

The greatest gift indeed. I am so blessed. Touchwood!

Solitaire said...

@ Deepali,

Haan there is such a day. I created my own though. :)

Solitaire said...

@ Stupid,

LOL! I still appreciate your comment. :)

Your comments always make me smile.

I was crying because of all those three criteria mentioned by you. And oh not to forget, I am also a cry baby.

Solitaire said...

@ Ria,


Solitaire said...

@ Rashmi,

So you know exactly what I am talking about right?

I love those days..they are unexpected which makes it better!

Solitaire said...

@ Mamta,

WOW! You seem to be having a SWEETEST LIFE!

Solitaire said...

@ Any sunday

I know what you mean. I have heard that from many parents! Enjoy your parenthood! :)

Solitaire said...

@ Southpaw,


Can I ask you why your interaction with others is limited? Is it due to the nature of your work?

Solitaire said...

@ Prats,

True. Its been over two weeks since that day but I still am enjoying the feeling that I had that evening.

Solitaire said...

@ Crystal,

Now if you are over that bafflement, will you please comment?

Solitaire said...

@ Mel,

Thank you! I love diamonds so I will cherish them for sure.

Solitaire said...

@ Mishra,

Sorry!! I have a degree in psychology, not gemology.

Solitaire said...

@ Mishra,

Can you explain the fascination that men have for cars, since you are a man? Please.

Solitaire said...

@ Redemption,

Hey thanks!

Solitaire said...

@ Lena,

Awww..thank you!

Solitaire said...

@ Chaggoholic,

Keeping fingers crossed!


Solitaire said...

@ Jira,

Thank you!
Wish you the same!

Solitaire said...

@ Keshi,

Thank you!!

You know what..I do believe in Valentine's Day and all that even though those are not the only days that I will appreciate my loved ones. I think they are just bonus days added to the mix! :)

Sorry have not been around lately because have been tied up with other stuff but will be around to your blog shortly.

Hows your time with your aunt going?

Solitaire said...

@ Shachi,

That will be a great great plan a reunion!!

Thanks a ton! I am doing well now and can attribute a lot to the people that I have met along the way. :)

Solitaire said...

@ Pavi,

AWW! Thank YOU! I am glad that my guardian angel has even managed to teach me that lesson!

Solitaire said...

@ Blue,

You are funny!

Solitaire said...

@ AmitL,

You seem to be doing sweet things for others and yourself!!

I had a great day!
Now your turn!

Solitaire said...

@ Red Soul,

Thank you!

Solitaire said...

@ Iceman,


Solitaire said...

@ Nik,



How was your SWEETEST DAY?

Solitaire said...

@ Ghost,

***Probably the sweetest of the sweetest days is if i meet u...time will tell.


Very well said!! Seems like India is doing you wonders!

Solitaire said...

@ Buzz,

Accha!!? Ok!!

Solitaire said...

@ Still thinking,

I am glad too!!

Thank you!

Solitaire said...

@ Manasa,


It is not the end. Just the beginning.

Rakesh said...

sorry for late reply....i was talking about second para.."Diamond rings, flowers, cookie bouquets, and personalized candygrams are currently being advertised on air for those cheesy romantics like me. I have no money to buy those for myself nor know anyone who would be invested in buying those for me" i understand..

Cяystal said...

Oh yes.
I'm so sorry for being lame :P
This was a really sweet experience you shared dwn with us..even though I really have less 'sweetest days' seems so worth-a-while when you read abt friends havin' good times :)

And I loved the line tht
**I need no diamond rings, for you are my gems.

Hugs to you,Sol.
I hope you have more of such days! :D

IncorrigibleV said...

Hugs sol, I dunno why I'm missin u a lot today.
Your post made me remember the so many times when my friends saved the day by just being so sweet that i forgot to be sad abt certain things.