Monday, August 27, 2007

From the eyes of an evolving student


No matter how much I procrastinate, I always get the work done...with a few struggles and many obstacles.

Moral: Watch movies, talk on the phone, sleep, and enjoy life. What's the hurry to get it done?

That a couple B's here and there do not really affect my GPA that much.

Moral: Watch movies, talk on the phone, sleep, and enjoy life. What's the need to get an A?

That annoying people wont stop their antics no matter how much you tell them.

Moral: Watch movies, talk on the phone, sleep, and enjoy life. What's the need to give them any importance?

That depriving myself of that cheesecake that I have been craving for 2 days is only making me miserable.

Moral: Watch movies, talk on the phone, sleep, EAT CHEESECAKE, and enjoy life. What's the need to worry about the number of calories in a mere, occasional treat that can release endorphins in you?

That sacrificing watching a movie so that I can study for two hours does not work. I keep thinking about the movie anyway.

Moral: Watch movies, talk on the phone, sleep, and enjoy life. What's the importance of two hours of "pretending to study"?

That no matter how much I plan for a trip or an event during my breaks, when there are more than 2 people involved, things never go as planned.

Moral: Watch movies, talk on the phone, sleep, and enjoy life. What's the need to plan when things happen they way you dont want them to anyway!

That no matter how hard I try to hide the bitter truth, it comes out in various ways...nice or not nice...and the consequences are always bad.

Moral: Watch movies, talk on the phone, sleep, TELL THE TRUTH, and enjoy life. What's the need to lie when you will be busted at some point anyway?

Life as a student is surely not a bed of roses. Exams, roommates, finances, professors, lack of sleep, no time for groceries, the list is never ending. But we can make it seem like a no-breezer if we stop agonizing over minute "ifs" and "buts" and "shoulds". Save your energy for the bigger problems in life...the real outside of classes, colleges, universities. The small ones are only worth pooh poohing!

Thanks, and enjoy a student. You will never be a student again...not like this.

1 Words of Wisdom:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update dear.